Tomás de Aquino, Santo (1225?-1274)

Summa theologica / St. Thomas Aquinas ; translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province . - 1st complete American ed. in three volumes . - New York : Benziger Bros , 1947-48 . - 3 v. ; 26 cm..

V. 1. First part, QQ. 1-119 and first part of the Second part, QQ. 1-114 V. 2. Second part of the Second part, QQ. 1-189 and Third part, QQ. 1-90 V. 3. Supplement, QQ. 1-99 appendices, articles, indexes.

Teología Dogmática--Sumas


Bibliotecas Dominicos Provincia Hispania, 2016

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