Kelly, Gabriele

English for theology : developing proficiency in academic English for theological studies : with a special focus on reading skills / Gabrielle Kelly ; foreword by Gustavo Gutiérrez . - Hindmarsh, Australia : ATF Press, 2004. . - 239 p. ; 30 cm. - Dominican series ; 1 .

An upper-intermediate to advanced English language resource book for EFL teachers and Asia Pacific students of theology from language backgrounds other than English.

Sect. 1. Developing academic reading skills in English for theology. unit 1. Introduction to reading theology --
unit 2. Types of publications: theological texts in English --
unit 3. Meaning in text: modes of discourse --
unit 4. Meaning in text: genre and organisation of ideas --
unit 5. Prediction as an aid to comprehension --
unit 6. Reading for specific information: scanning --
unit 7. Reading for the general idea: skimming --
unit 8. Paragraph structure and comprehension --
unit 9. Sentence and clause structure and comprehension --
unit 10. Cohesive devices --
unit 11. Levels of meaning and authorial voice --
sect. 2. Applying reading skills and developing speaking, listening and writing skills. unit 12. Focus on Asia and the Pacific --
unit 13. Theology and spirituality --
unit 14. Theology and language --
unit 15. Religion and culture --
unit 16. Revelation and theologising --
unit 17. Christology --
unit 18. The problem of suffering --
unit 19. Grace --
unit 20. Justice, development and 'good news' --
unit 21. Understanding scripture --
unit 22. Ecological theology --
unit 23. Genes, ethics and theology --
unit 24. Christianity and religious pluralism.


Inglés (Lengua)--Estudio y enseñanza

Bibliotecas Dominicos Provincia Hispania, 2016

Con tecnología Koha