Olaru, Bogdan
Este posibil un constructivism eliberat de consideratii factuale? : controversa dintre John Rawls si G.A. Cohen cu privire la statutul principiilor dreptatii = Is it possible to have a factless constructivism? : the disagreement between John Rawls and G.A. Cohen about what counts as principles of justice / Bogdan Olaru
Rawls John , 1921-2002 --Crítica e interpretación
Este posibil un constructivism eliberat de consideratii factuale? : controversa dintre John Rawls si G.A. Cohen cu privire la statutul principiilor dreptatii = Is it possible to have a factless constructivism? : the disagreement between John Rawls and G.A. Cohen about what counts as principles of justice / Bogdan Olaru
Rawls John , 1921-2002 --Crítica e interpretación