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Edición española de traducción completa de los Fragmentos póstumos, Volúmenes I y IV / ESTUDIOS NIETZSCHE

by Estudios Nietzsche.

Source: Estudios Nietzsche nº. 7, 2007, págs. 217-243Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: Spanish Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
F. W. Nietzsche o la penúltima llambregada d'un estel dansat / Guillem Turró

by Turró I Ortega, Guillem.

Source: Ars Brevis vol. 4, nº. 4, 1998, págs. 285-306Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: Catalan Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
Nietzsche o la voluntat de poder: una lectura / Damià Bardera Poch

by Bardera Poch, Damià.

Source: Quaderns de Filosofia I Ciencia nº. 42, 2012, págs. 51-56Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: Catalan Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
Perspectivism: Aquinas and Nietzsche on Intellect and Will / Walter J. Thompson

by Thompson, Walter J.

Source: American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly vol. 68, nº. 4, 1994, págs. 451-473Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: English Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
Philosophy and the History of Philosophy: On the Advantange of Nietzsche / William H. Irwin

by Irwin, William H.

Source: American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly vol. 75, nº. 1, 2001, págs. 25-44Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: English Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
The Sustainability of Nietzsche's Will to Affirmation / James Mcguirk

by Mcguirk, James.

Source: American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly vol. 82, nº. 2, 2008, págs. 237-263Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: English Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
Nietzsche's Unmodern Thinking: Globalization, the End of History, and Great Events / Gary Shapiro

by Shapiro, Gary.

Source: American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly vol. 84, nº. 2, 2010, págs. 205-230Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: English Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
Ex aliquo nihil: Nietzsche on Science, Anarchy, and Democratic Nihilism / Babette E. Babich

by Babich, Babette E.

Source: American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly vol. 84, nº. 2, 2010, págs. 231-256Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: English Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
A Dictatorship of Relativism and the Specter of Nietzsche: Between Heidegger and Fink / Dale Wilkerson

by Wilkerson, Dale.

Source: American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly vol. 84, nº. 2, 2010, págs. 257-282Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: English Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
In Search of Authenticity and Personality: Nietzsche on the Purifications of Philosophy / Keith Ansell-Pearson

by Ansell-Pearson, Keith.

Source: American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly vol. 84, nº. 2, 2010, págs. 283-312Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: English Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
Theater of the Absurd: Nietzsche's Genealogy as Cultural Critique / James I. Porter

by Porter, James I.

Source: American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly vol. 84, nº. 2, 2010, págs. 313-336Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: English Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
From Modesty to Dynamite, from Socrates to Dionysus: Friedrich Nietzsche on Intellectual Honesty / Holger Zaborowski

by Zaborowski, Holger.

Source: American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly vol. 84, nº. 2, 2010, págs. 337-356Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: English Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
Nietzsche between the Eternal Return to Humanity and the Voice of the Many / Philippe Gagnon

by Gagnon, Philippe.

Source: American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly vol. 84, nº. 2, 2010, págs. 383-412Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: English Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
Teleology, Purpose, and Power in Nietzsche / Chad Engelland

by Engelland, Chad.

Source: American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly vol. 84, nº. 2, 2010, págs. 413-426Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: English Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
Reading Nietzsche - Thinking about God: Martin Buber, Gershom Scholem, and Franz Rosenzweig / Nils Roemer

by Roemer, Nils.

Source: American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly vol. 84, nº. 2, 2010, págs. 427-440Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: English Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
Nietzsche's Madman Parable: A Cynical Reading / Charles Bambach

by Bambach, Charles.

Source: American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly vol. 84, nº. 2, 2010, págs. 441-456Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: English Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
Recent Work on Nietzsche / Steven D. Hales

by Hales, Steven D.

Source: American Philosophical Quarterly vol. 37, nº. 4, 2000, págs. 313-333Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: English Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
Nietzsche, Freedom, and Writing Lives / Tom Stern

by Stern, Tom.

Source: Arion vol. 17, nº. 1, 2009, págs. 85-110Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: English Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
Nietzsche and Antropomorphism / George J. Stack

by Stack, George J.

Source: Critica (Revista Hispano Americana de Filosofia) vol. 12, nº. 34, 1980, págs. 41-74Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: English Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
Nietzsche Agonistes / James W. Hillesheim

by Hillesheim, James W.

Source: Educational Theory vol. 23, nº. 4, 1973, págs. 343-353Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: English Availability: Items available for loan: (1).

Bibliotecas Dominicos Provincia Hispania, 2016

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