Your search returned 2 results.

Thomas Aquinas, Jean-Luc Marion, and an Alleged Category Mistake Involving God and Being / Declan Lawell

by Lawell, Declan.

Source: American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly vol. 83, nº. 1, 2009, págs. 23-50Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: English Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
Thomas Gallu's Method as Dionysian Commentator: a Study of the Glose super Angelica Ierarchia (1224), with Considerations on the Expositio librorum beati Dionysii / Declan Lawell

by Lawell, Declan.

Source: Archives D'histoire Doctrinale et Litteraire du Moyen Age vol. 76, nº. 76, 2009, págs. 89-117Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: English Availability: Items available for loan: (1).

Bibliotecas Dominicos Provincia Hispania, 2016

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