Your search returned 31 results.

The Concept of Space-Time in Modern Physics / Michael M. Yanase

by Yanase, Michael M.

Source: Archives de Philosophie vol. 34, nº. 4, 1971, págs. 667-671Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: English Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
Spaces and Times: A Kantian Response / Lorne Falkenstein

by Falkenstein, Lorne.

Source: Idealistic Studies vol. 16, 1986, págs. 1-11Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: English Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
The Similiraties Between Space and Time / G. Schlesinger

by Schlesinger, G.

Source: Mind vol. 84, 1975, págs. 161-176Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: English Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
Space and Time / J. M. Shorter

by Shorter, J. M.

Source: Mind vol. 90, 1981, págs. 61-78Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: English Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
Events and Objects in Space and Time / P. M. S. Hacker

by Hacker, P. M. S.

Source: Mind vol. 91, 1982, págs. 1-19Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: English Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
Elementary Concept of Space, Time and Matter / L. Corsiglia

by Corsiglia, L.

Source: Scientia vol. 108, nº. 7-8-9 / 10-11-12, 1973, págs. 535-542 / 863-866Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: English Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
Espaces lisses et lieux bruts / Edward S. Casey

by Casey, Edward S.

Source: Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale vol. 106, nº. 4, 2001, págs. 49-65Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: French Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
Réflexions sur l'Espace et le Temps / José Gil

by Gil, José.

Source: Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale vol. 73, nº. 1, 1968, págs. 56-79Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: French Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
Temps, espace et espace-temps / François Bonsack

by Bonsack, François.

Source: Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale vol. 88, nº. 2, 1983, págs. 230-246Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: French Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
L'évolution des notions d'espace et de temps / J. Leite-Lopes

by Leite-Lopes, J.

Source: Scientia vol. 107, 1971, págs. 411-454Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: French Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
Der Raum als Problem der Philosophie / Norbert M. Luyten

by Luyten, Norbert M.

Source: Naturwissenschaft und Theologie nº. 6, 1964, págs. 134-163Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: German Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
Anfang und Ende in theologischer Sicht / Hermann Volk

by Volk, Hermann.

Source: Naturwissenschaft und Theologie nº. 6, 1964, págs. 193-224Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: German Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
Raum und Zeit als Probleme der Naturwissenschaften (I. Teil: Über den Raum) / G. Ludwig

by Ludwig, G.

Source: Naturwissenschaft und Theologie nº. 6, 1964, págs. 7-45Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: German Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
Der empirische Stand der Frage nach der zeitlichen und räumlichen endlihkeit des Kosmos / J. Meurers

by Meurers, J.

Source: Naturwissenschaft und Theologie nº. 6, 1964, págs. 78-109Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: German Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
Die Relativität des Raumes und der Zeit. Stürzte Eistein das Newtonsche Weltbild? / Renate Wahsner

by Wahsner, Renate.

Source: Revista de Filosofia vol. 30, nº. 1, 2005, págs. 25-48Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: German Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
Spazio, tempo e moto operativo / Raffaele Borsari

by Borsari, Raffaele.

Source: Rassegna Internazionale di Logica (Cfr. International Logic Review) vol. 3, nº. 5, 1972, págs. 38-43Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: Italian Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
Lo spazio e il tempo nella struttura della teoria fisica / Murad D. Ahundov

by Ahundov, Murad D.

Source: Scientia vol. 113, nº. 5-6-7-8, 1978, págs. 365-390Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: Italian Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
Espaço-Tempo: significados da Relatividade Restrita / Ramiro Délio Borges De Meneses

by Borges de Meneses, Ramiro Délio.

Source: Estudos Teológicos vol. 11, nº. 1-2, 2007, págs. 301-332Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: Portuguese Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
Conhecimento Metafísico do Espaço e Tempo / Victorino de Souza Alves

by Alves, Victorino de Souza.

Source: Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia vol. 15, 1959, págs. 262-308Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: Portuguese Availability: Items available for loan: (1).
Sobre el espacio-tiempo / Daniel Baldomir

by Baldomir, Daniel.

Source: Agora (Papeles de Filosofia) vol. 11, nº. 1, 1992, págs. 31-42Material type: Article Article; Format: print Language: Spanish Availability: Items available for loan: (1).

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